Download and install normally -> Load your saved game -> open console ( next steps type in console ) -> help 'claws' -> player.removespell ( Claws ID ) -> player.addspell ( Claws ID ) -> save -> load -> check stat with player.
Feather Spells and Scrolls I Alter Carry Weight IĬlean install if u want changes from claw ability on your SAVED game ( no need to do if fresh start ).Eye of Fear ability - Targets flee for 30 seconds.Main file: Realistic Khajiit Racials - Without-5-LightArmorSkill +5 Light Armor ( effects only new start ).Prowess also gives 30% higher jumps and reduces fall damage by 30%.
Rawlith translates to 'rain' in the Ta'agra (Khajiit) language. If you're far enough in the main questline you must slay a dragon for access to your new home. To acquire the key see the image section. While Skyrim’s default, lynx-like Khajiit design suits its northern aesthetic, it doesn’t represent established Khajiit lore very well. See Notes below if u are installing this mod during your playthrough with Khajiit.